Roses, why are they crying?
Tulips, all tear-stained, why?
So splendid, so pure, so entire,
She's left us. No use to cry.
The nightingales to praise her,
The stars for the only one...
The past is lost for ever
No future to come.
Puzzles of heat and shadows,
The emerald of the sea,
Cool deeps and embracing shallows,
Without her, why should they be?
Seems she could be next door yet...
No. Nothing to inspire
Somebody's joy, or sorrow...
Lonely nobody's I.
No sentence. The curse. Perdition.
Could I have done it right?
I beg for the sign, permission
To fall into her night,
To never breathe, never twinkle
Never sing, never cry, never be
The sea, the star, the spring bird,
The rose of her destiny.